America's Homeless Veterans Addiction Recovery is a non-medical residential treatment center for alcohol and drugs managed by America's Homeless Veterans to help get Veterans off the street and back on their feet in a safe home environment, staffed with licensed, certified substance abuse counselors. We're providing this space for veterans to share success stories. More coming soon.

My name is Bill W. I was born and raised in Sacramento, California. When I was 18 I decided to join the Army. Throughout my 10 years in the Army, I rose to the rank of Corporal. When in the Army I did a lot of binge drinking. Once I got out of the service I continued to drink, increasing the amount over time. By the time I was 50 years old I was drinking every day around the clock. Because I was a mean drunk my family distanced themselves from me. Drinking also led to my divorce and losing out on many years of my son’s life.
In November 2018 I was taken to the VA Emergency Room by ambulance and was sent to D&A Detox Center to detox from alcohol. After detox, I was in an intensive, residential treatment program spending 4 months and then at D&A Detox Center Transitional Living where I have been ever since.
I started volunteering for D&A Detox Center, doing the cooking and driving of Veterans to and from Mather VA. After about a year, I started working as a drug and alcohol counselor in training. I had found my calling and was able to pay forward to my fellow Veterans. But, in 2021 I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I spent a year going through chemo, radiation, and surgeries, with America’s Homeless Veterans right with me the entire time providing housing for me and allowing me to heal from all the cancer treatments, weight loss, etc. I’m extremely grateful to D&A Detox Center and America’s Homeless Veterans for all they have done for me and continue to do for me.
Bill W.

My name is Tim, I joined the Air Force in 1984. I was with the 9th Civil Engineering Squadron building water and wastewater treatment facilities. I was in the Air Force for 3 years and did my last year at Sacramento State University. After my honorable discharge from the Air Force, I became addicted to meth. For the next 45 years, addiction became my way of life. When I worked, it was only to support my habit. My parents refused to allow me in their life since I was not only volatile, but I would steal anything I could. My wife divorced me due to my addiction.
In 2020 I was beaten by members of a notorious gang who shot me in the face and left me for dead. Someone called the police and one of the officers who responded asked me if I was a Veteran. Thankfully I am so I was taken to the VA ER, where I was treated and recovered from my injuries. To battle my addiction to meth I was sent to D&A Detox Center. After my stay at the detox house, I graduated from the D&A Detox Center Men’s Residential Treatment Program where I spent 2 months in the Treatment Program where I received counseling for my addiction and support for all the other things that were going wrong for me at the time.
Along came America's Homeless Veterans with housing, job training, and a job. I’ve been clean and sober for 2 years now and during that time, I’ve repaired my relationship with my family, friends, and wife due to my commitment to my sobriety. For the last year, I’ve been employed by D&A Detox Center where I manage the food cook breakfast and dinner for the clients, and transport clients to and from the VA when needed. I am privileged to be able to give back and help other Veterans the way I was helped when I needed it the most. Because of D&A Detox Center and America’s Homeless Veterans, I have become an asset, no longer a liability.

My name is Bryant. When I was 19 years old, I joined the Army. I served a total of 3 years; 15 months of which I was deployed to Iraq. After my deployment I began to drink alcohol excessively. But it had yet to become a major problem in my life. In 2009 I was honorably discharged from the military, and that is when my troubles with addiction began.
Due to my experiences in Iraq, and all I witnessed in combat, it led me to develop PTSD, anxiety and extreme depression. I soon turned to drugs and alcohol as a way of self-medicating. I spent the next decade battling addiction and was in and out of rehab programs. I felt completely lost, had nothing to my name, and on the verge of losing my family for good.
Thankfully, the VA sent me to the D&A Detox Center residential treatment program and it has changed my life forever. I spent 2 months in the D&A Detox Center residential treatment program where I received counseling and skills that helped me deal with my PTSD, anxiety, depression and substance abuse problems. After treatment, America’s Homeless Veterans provided me with sober transitional housing where the staff continued to support and motivate me to live a sober and rewarding life. Even when it was time to move out of the sober transitional housing, America’s Homeless Veterans helped me find stable housing and continued to support me each and every day.
The amazing and caring staff at D&A Detox Center/America’s Homeless Veterans are what motivated me to pursue a career in counseling so that I can help others the way that America’s Homeless Veterans has helped me. After volunteering and completing schooling for substance abuse counseling, D&A Detox Center hired me as a counselor where I now help my fellow Veterans who are also struggling with the same issues that I once did. I don’t know where I would be today without America’s Homeless Veterans and I’m proud to be part of the AHV family.

Former Avionics Technician Airman, Aviation Warfare Jonathan M., U.S. Navy 2009-2013.
After I separated from the Navy, my mental health drastically declined due to my unhealthy coping habits with alcohol. I sought help from the VA hospital and was sent to a program which started at D&A Detox Center.
Following my stay at D&A Detox Center, I continued to go to in-patient residential treatment at D&A Detox Center. Originally, I was only going to commit to 30 days, but after getting the much-needed help, I stayed for a full 90 days.
Knowing I wouldn’t stay sober on my own, I had no where safe to go after treatment. It was at that time Randy, Diane and their team at America’s Homeless Veterans welcomed me in as more than just a client. They helped me with groceries, hygiene products, a safe place to live in a Sober Living Environment (SLE) and even helped me in getting a job. Once I was back on my feed, I continued to live in SLE with the help of America’s Homeless Veterans. Without their relentless hunger to help Veterans like myself break the cycle of drug / alcohol abuse, I wouldn’t be sober today. I am finally able to hold down a full-time job and continue to make healthy lifestyle choices.

My name is Jacob and I served in the United States Marine Corps from 2013 to 2017. I received an honorable discharge, and my final rank was Corporal. I enlisted because I felt it was my patriotic duty to protect American lives. Not long after I reached my main duty station, I got married to the love of my life and high school sweetheart. Everything was going so perfect in my life; it was a time of celebration. Unfortunately, my idea of celebrating involved alcohol.
When I started drinking everything around me started to fall apart. I was unknowingly destroying all that I loved and cared about. My proficiency and conduct in my military career were failing, my physical health was in rapid decline, and my marriage came to an end. I eventually separated from the Marines. The divorce took a huge toll on my mental health. I lost my job due to my drinking. I ended up in the suicide ward several times for overdose attempts. Then shortly after that I went to jail because of my drinking. I realized that this was my rock bottom, and it was time to take responsibility for my actions.
After I got out of jail, I eventually worked up the courage to reach out for help. My journey first started at D&A Detox where I met a woman named Diane. She showed me what it truly means to be a genuine, honest, and compassionate person. Her values seemed so powerful to me that it was as if God himself sent down one of his angels to help save me from the wreckage that was then my life. I went to D&A Detox Center Treatment Program with my newfound hope that I could over-come my addiction to alcohol.
It was in the D&A Detox Center Treatment Program I learned why I was making the destructive choices I had been making, and how to change my way of thinking. I have been on the path of sobriety since then. I now have a beautiful baby girl and the funds to support her. I hope and pray that D&A Detox Center / America’s Homeless Veterans get all the support they rightfully deserve. They not only helped me obtain a successful life but empowered me to help influence other Veterans rediscover the values they once had.